Wednesday 28 February 2018

Section 2 b) Summary

Cells are made up of different organelles and have different structures; those in the same kingdom will usually share the same basic characteristics, and their differences from other kingdoms is how we chose to classify them.

The table above shows the basic differences between plant and animal cells.

  • The plant cell's more regular, rectangular shape is kept rigid by the cellulose cell walls, which provide the cells with support, and in turn support the plant as it doesn't have bones line animals do. 
  • The plant cell also contains chloroplasts, which contain a green pigment called chlorophyll which converts carbon dioxide and water into oxygen and glucose with sunlight through photosynthesis. Photosynthesis is a process that allows the organism to create its own food. 
  • Large sap vacuoles are found only in plant cells, animal cells may have a small temporary one, but this is not necessary to know. In plant cells, the vacuole is a large 'bag' filled with cell sap and helps to keep the cell turgid. 

Animal and plant cells also share similarities:

  • Both have nucleuses or nuclei, which contain chromosomal DNA or 'genetic instructions' which tell the cell what to do: they give the cell its function.
  • Both have a selectively-permeable cell membrane that controls what substances can pass through the cell.
  • Both contain cytoplasm, the medium in which chemical reactions take place. It is controlled by enzymes. 

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